All neutrals on the DPR Panel are willing to travel to the neighbor islands and the mainland. If you have any questions, please contact DPR at (808) 523-1234

    Full-Time Professional Mediator/Arbitrator
    (Non-practicing Attorney, Psychologist)
    Listed in Best Lawyers in America in Arbitration & Mediation since 2006

    Best Lawyers in America 2015 Hawai’i Arbitration Lawyer of the Year

    Dr. Jim Hoenig has arbitrated and mediated over 500 cases during the past 25 years, including many difficult and complex matters in a wide variety of areas (e.g., commercial, construction, employment, real estate, contract, partnership, securities, probate & trusts, medical malpractice, family, and tort). In addition to being an original member of DPR’s Distinguished Panel of Neutrals, he is a mediator for the Supreme Court’s Appellate Conference Program and has served as Kokua Kanawai in Probate Court, as a NASDAQ/FINRA arbitrator, and as a per diem hearings officer for ADLRO.

    He is on the Board of Directors (and Executive Committee) of the Hawai’i Supreme Court’s Disciplinary Board, and is a member of the Association for Conflict Resolution and of HSBA’s ADR, Elder Law, Family Law, and Probate & Estate Planning Sections.

    Jim received the 2013 ‘Ikena Award from HSBA for outstanding service educating attorneys, judges, mediators, and law students in settlement techniques and the 2014 Mediation Center of the Pacific Award for Leadership in Mediation. He has trained mediators and arbitrators for DPR.

    Jim graduated first in his class from both Stanford University and Stanford Law School, was Law Review President, and served as Law Clerk to the Chief Justice of the United States. He also holds a Ph.D. in psychology. He practiced litigation and corporate law with O’Melveny & Myers in Los Angeles, and was later president of a large real estate development and management company and a part-time lecturer in the California Community College system (real estate, labor relations, and psychology of negotiation).

    He is author of “How to be Persuasive in Arbitration,” (The Practical Lawyer, October 2015), the Hawaii Arbitration Law textbook (HICLE 1992), “Dispute Resolution in Construction & Real Estate” (Real Estate Review, Spring 1993), “The Complete Guide to Mediation” (Inter-Pacific Bar Assn. Journal, Dec. 1996), “Guide to Creative Mediation,” (Dispute Resolution Journal, Spring 1997), “Mediation of Real Estate & Construction Disputes,” (Real Estate Review, Fall 1997), and “Practitioner’s Guide to Mediation,” (Hawaii Bar Journal, Jan. 1998) and has written numerous other works about arbitration and mediation.

    Contact Jim at DPR: 1003 Bishop Street – Suite 1155 – Honolulu, Hawai’i 96813
    Phone: (808)523-1234 — Fax: (808)275-3354 — E-mail: jkh@dprhawaii.com
